These are real auction prices for used cars that people paid at public auctions. While the prices are often cheaper than sticker prices at used car lots, you will get an idea what price the dealers are paying for cars. You can use these prices, along with car prices you find in KBB and know what range you should be paying for the car. When you are going to the car lot to buy your new or used car - always haggle on the price and make the salesman think you're going to walk away. There are plenty of dealerships - always threaten to go to another competing dealership and see what kind of price discount you can get from them if the price they are giving you is too high. Kelley Blue Book and the prices on this website will give you the best high/low range you should pay for a used car on the market today. |
Using this used car auction price guide will help you price the car before you go to the car auction, or visit the dealership. You often only get a small window to look at the car, so you want to make sure you know that these used cars will sometimes need repairs and fixes. Often these cars have high mileage and have not-so-perfect interiors, but certainly can be driven for many more years. The best used car auctions are typically for licensed wholesale dealers only, but the prices are fairly similar to what you see here. |
The used card price guide app is always free! Thanks for checking it out, hope you enjoy. These prices should help you know when you are getting a really good deal or a real bad deal on a used car. Make sure you always shop around, and always compare prices across many different car websites to find a range you are willing to pay for your next car. Good luck! |